Frequently Asked Questions

  • What do you aim to achieve with LIVERIMAGE?

    To illustrate the science of liver disease & transplantation through pictures. This project aims to provide clinicians in the field of liver transplantation, the vast experience of several experienced liver specialists, in the form of a web-based library of images that rraises awareness of specific problems we have faced and learnt from.

  • What is its current state ?

    The library currently consists of 94 images or cases, 4 medical professionals who provide a peer review or editorial service and 3 non-medical administrative staff to enable smooth upload, communication and maintenance.

  • What is the point/use?

    We wished to create a learning resource that is very clinical, fun and in byte sizes for those who do not have much time on their hands. We hoped that through these images both trainees and less experienced transplant physicians might understand post-transplant challenges and resolve diagnostic issues. As these are images derived from investigations that aimed to resolve direct clinical issues we hope that it will be less academic and more problem based. As some of these illnesses are often common to certain patient groups, we feel by increasing awareness of common difficulties and clinical concerns associated with organ transplantation, early diagnosis is possible.
    It is trying to in other words, to be almost an ‘alternative for experience’…

  • What is the necessity for such a library?

    As a radiological / pictorial resource on clinical liver transplantation there are currently some textbooks and occasional images in journals…. and of course Google! But otherwise…. currently for the benefit of clinicians in HPB & liver transplantation, no updateable library of common cases or unusual but important variations, exist from a reliable and consistent source. Hence this idea was conceived. Moreover the few places where they do exist are often not accessible to all or are associated with a cost. This is a resource that is meant to be accessible to all, free of cost and from a reputable source which is regularly updated.

  • So what exactly is inside?

    A library of images presented either as a single picture e.g. an angiogram or CT Scan that conveys the point or a small pictorial report in 2-3 images with text that presents a story and a learning point, which can be used for a specific clinical problem or, as regular reading in small aliquots.

  • Legal issues

    No patient confidentiality is intentionally breached nor is any patient specific information available. This website is password protected only to assess resource utilisation and tailor make the development of the library/site as per the requirement of its users. No payment, financial information, personal data or documentation is demanded at time of registration or later usage.  Hence this library contents in effect is available to all, although intended for the use of medical professionals.

  • Any further questions?

    Please contact us through our feedback form or email.